Friday, November 7, 2014

Old Frames Become New Frames

Growing up in a family of eight that lived on my father's high school coach/teacher salary, I learned at a young age how to live a frugal life.
Like my mother was, I have developed into an accomplished thrift store shopper.
I am always searching for frames at thrift stores and church sales because framing does not come cheap if one chooses to go the traditional route of actually buying something new at a framing shop.
As I prepared for my October display of artwork at Sweet Mabel, I realized that I did not have a good framing option for my Manayunk Bridge painting.
Leaving the painting at home was not an option, and a frenzied search through my collection of thrift store frames yielded only one that was the correct size.
I fastened the painting, added the hanging wire and loaded my van.
Tracy, the owner of Sweet Mabel, told me that one of her customers really liked the Manayunk Bridge painting, but she didn't like the frame.
I can't blame her...I didn't like it either.
The grainy oak looked dated
(because it is)
and too dark
(because it is).
A frame should enhance a painting, and this one did not.
When I brought my unsold paintings home earlier this week, I decided Manayunk Bridge deserved something better.
Even though I didn't like the color of the frame, I did like the profile.
This was something I could work with.
I went to a local art supply store and bought some gold leaf wax.
So much better!
The frame now complements the warm colors that I used in the bridge and towpath.
I was so pleased with the transformation, I thought I could work a little magic on some frames that recently made their way to my studio at no cost to me.
Free is good, but some of the frames were not completely to my liking.
This frame is very well constructed,
but I was not fond of the faux wood finish.
A careful application of gold leaf wax....
and I now have a frame that I will definitely put to use.
Yes, free is very good.

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